Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Of Scott Pratt, The Writer's Predicament and Hilary Rosen ...

Fellow author, Pamela Samuels Young, recently forwarded, as she did to 30-40 others, the link to a genre author, Scott Pratt?s new blog, The Writer?s Predicament.

While I have not read any of Mr. Pratt?s six legal thrillers I will say that if his novel writing style holds any of the similarities he had exhibited in the few blog posts of The Writer?s Predicament, I will start touting his work. ??Needless to say I am a fan of his blog.

After opening the e-mail containing the link to his blog, I immediate clicked over and began reading his posts.

Scott?s warm, style combined with a vow to honestly share his experiences of how the 21st publishing world works with authors and how that has shaped is perceptions and future actions as a published writer immediately drew me in.

Few writer/authors who hold contracts or had held contracts with the US publishing industry will speak honestly and unabashedly of their dealing with the industry.

To be sure the publishing houses, much like the movie executives of Hollywood have few towards whom they hold allegiance and loyalty. ??Likewise, the publishing industry has elevated even fewer to that ivory tower status.

Why more authors who have not reached the exalted place do not speak candidly albeit with respect as to what any novice author can realistically expect from a publishing contract baffles me.

The psychotherapist part of me suspects that the answer lies partly in hope, the rest in fear: hope of one day receiving an invitation into the hallowed chambers of commercially successful authors whose writings literary critiques hail as equally competent to their salaries and fear that should they disclose all one must and they have endured to reach that point, the words they speak or write will wipe away all possibilities of entering that holiest of literary and publishing inner sanctums.

Scott Pratt lists April 6, 2012 as the first date of his first blog post on The Writer?s Predicament. His most recent appeared, Saturday, April 16th, 2012.

Prior to creating The Writer?s Predicament Scott posted about five posts between March 2011 and January 2012.

I sense, as a blogger, that Scott, like so many of us 21st century writers, particularly those of us who have made our debut publications in the last 5-7 years, needed to fine his stride, a subject on which he felt passionate enough to blog.

Maintaining a website requires time and persistence. Doing so with the blog on your website requires time, persistence and heart.

Readers are quite intelligent. ??And while they might not know all the in?s and out?s on the subject about which you are blogging?that?s why they read your posts?they can and do immediately sense whether you feel passionate about the topic on which you write.

The rule of creating and maintaining a successful website requires that you commit to memory that ? ? content is king.?

Application of the axiom ? ? content is king ? ? demands that to become known as a thought leader in your ascribed category of interest you reveal your heart.

Even as Scott wrote about supporting and traveling with his wife through the journey of fighting breast cancer I could see that this husband and father, an attorney prior to becoming a full-time writer and published author possessed a big heart, one that he opens to each and every task to which he commits his efforts and energy.

He also respects women, evidenced in the blog posts about his wife, which brings strong kudos in my book.

Scott?s writing voice echoes the aesthetics and sentiments often shared and stated by my husband.

I only wish I could have spoken with him before he made a professional decision that led to him becoming a full-time writer, one that would have at least and hopefully urged him to take a moment of pause and consider his choices before rushing head long into becoming a full-time writer and author.

Whether he would have chosen differently I cannot say.

What I know is that as The Fates would have it I did know?Scott Pratt back in 2006 when he transitioned from practicing criminal attorney to full-time writer and thriller author later published by Penguin Publishers.

I was busy finishing up my last semester of work towards earning my MFA in Creative Writing.

Like, Scott, my MFA Thesis, a collection of short stories, Keeper of Secrets?Translations of an Incident, came to print in June 2007 under the auspices of Three Muses Press, the literary imprint of the small press, Ink and Paper Group.

Like Scott I was happy, elated.? Unlike Scott, my expectations remained nominal at best.

We entered publishing trained to write under old rules, but at a time on the cusp, a period of multitudinous change in the publishing industry and a cataclysmic overhaul in the way all corporations and entrepreneurs conduct business within this country and around the world.

Unfortunately we have all suffered, leaving authors and professionals like?Scott Pratt at best confounded, at worst demoralized.

Fortunately Scott?s writing evidences he stands not among the latter.

Having studied writing for the decade prior I had heard the shocking turn of the twist stories of writers who became published authors overnight, may possible then only by way of the big New York publishers.

One day these writers were sitting in fiction writing groups much like the ones in which I participated for over three years, the next day they, having garnered a literary agent, a task somewhat easier then, the agent was conducting a bidding war with their unfinished novel as the prize.

A few months down the road the novice writer soon-to-be published author was furiously working with her or his then in-house editor to complete the book and revise it.

The then published author would ring in the next year toasting their debut title along book tour which included a list of cities across the country and if lucky, throughout Europe.

Some of these authors established themselves in the world of publishing and we still hear from them in the novels they have continued to publish, a daunting feat in light of the serious financial crisis that has gripped the world and whose tentacles continue to eat away at our hope and belief that financial security and what many hope is a better livelihood and life awaits us around the corner of the next year or subsequent decade.

Sadly, the vast majority of these authors have faded into obscurity, a darkness that has consumed their hoped-for careers, but also the author, and worse still her or his practice of writing.

I have heard it said more times than not, that what truly distinguishes a true writer from all else is the ability to write without a contract of the probability of money and financial gain in sight.

After reading these initial posts by Scott Pratt to his blog The Writer?s Predicament I have revamped my definition of a true writer as that author who continues to write after having experienced the more often than not true side of publishing, the one that takes on a writer and without forewarning when finances deem, leaves said writer, her or him to paddle to shore, or worse, tread water alone.

As a published author with one book in print,?Scott Pratt underwent what so many authors in a most similar position have experienced. ??Notice I?m not telling you what he endured. I want you to read his blog.

Unlike those others he continues to write, and I sense with more fervency.

Not only has he begun publishing his own books, he?s also fighting to regain control of the two books Penguin gain rights to within the contract he signed.

I?m so glad Scott is an attorney. A licensed psychotherapist, I avoid confronting others.

My comfort zone lies in the area of internal awareness, my strength and expertise in squaring off with the demons within who seek to sabotage our thinking thus allowing those outside and around us to peddle their wares that keep them wealthy in both money and esteem and us in bondage.

Reading all of the essays Scott has posted to his blog left me energized. I have signed up to receive his blog at private e-mail.

While I have chosen to receive a few blog posts from other bloggers, The Writer?s Predicament is one that I am truly looking forward, anticipating with minor palpitations to receive the next installment and read.

Whether you are an author, mother, husband, teenager or grandparent, if you are a blogger or want to blog, read Scott Pratt?s blog.

His writing provides if nothing else a monumental example to all bloggers?writers without celebrity status, like myself, who are attempting through our blog posts, to prove ourselves as a though leader in our said area of expertise?how to write in a manner that attracts and engages the attention of readers and visitors to our websites.

Scott is a great writer.

He is also a passionate writer; so much so that in reading his posts to The Writer?s Predicament I awoke this morning inspired and determined to address my passion, my predicament as a mother.

A mother who at the end of this past week was left angry and hurt at Hilary Rosen?s statement to GOP Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney about his wife, Anne Romney, that in having ? ? never worked a day in her life ? ,? [Anne Romney] proved an ill-equipped person for Mitt to consult regarding the concerns of women in our country and what we want in a US President.

Tags: Anne Romney, attorney, author, blog posts, blogger, commit, editor, father, fiction, GOP hopeful, heart, Hilary Rosen, husband, Ink and Paper Group, Keeper of Secrets...Translations of an Incident, kopf ziegel uv bunt artist r?schke by roeschke, literary agent, Mitt Romney, mothers, Of Scott Pratt, Pamela Samuels Young, passion, Penguin Publishers, psychotherapy, publishing industry, Scott Pratt, The Writer's Predicament, The Writer?s Predicament and Hilary Rosen ..., Three Muses Press, website, wife, women, writer

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thawing permafrost may have led to extreme global warming events

Thawing permafrost may have led to extreme global warming events [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 4-Apr-2012
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Contact: Paul Mannion
University of Sheffield

Scientists analysing prehistoric global warming say thawing permafrost released massive amounts of carbon stored in frozen soil of Polar Regions exacerbating climate change through increasing global temperatures and ocean acidification.

Although the amounts of carbon involved in the ancient soil-thaw scenarios was likely much greater than today, the implications of this ground-breaking study are that the long-term future of carbon deposits locked into frozen permafrost of Polar Regions are vulnerable to climate warming caused as humans emit the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by burning fossil fuels for energy generation.

Researchers in centres across America, Italy and the University of Sheffield, analysed a series of sudden, and extreme, global warming events - called hyperthermals - that occurred about 55 million years ago, linked to rising greenhouse gas concentrations and changes in Earth's orbit, which led to a massive release of carbon into the atmosphere, ocean acidification, and a five degrees Celsius rise in global temperature within just a few thousand years.

It was previously thought that the source of carbon was in the ocean, in the form of frozen methane gas in ocean-floor sediments but now the experts believe the carbon released into the atmosphere millions of years ago came from the Polar Regions.

Professor David Beerling, of the University of Sheffield's Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, said: "For the first time, we have linked these past global warming events with a climatically sensitive terrestrial carbon reservoir rather than a marine one. It shows that global warming can be amplified by carbon release from thawing permafrost."

"The research suggests that carbon stored in permafrost stocks today in the Arctic region is vulnerable to warming. Warming causes permafrost thaw and decomposition of organic matter releasing more greenhouse gases back into the atmosphere.

"This feedback loop could accelerate future warming. It means we must arrest carbon dioxide emissions released by the combustion of fossil fuels if humanity wishes to avoid triggering these sorts of feedbacks in our modern world."

The breakthrough was made through cross-disciplinary collaborations with climate and vegetation modellers, isotope geochemists and permafrost experts led by Rob DeConto at the University of Massachusetts, in collaboration with the University of Sheffield, Yale, the University of Colorado, Penn State, and the University of Urbino, Italy.

Rob DeConto added: "Similar dynamics are at play today. Global warming is degrading permafrost in the north Polar Regions, unlocking once-frozen carbon and methane and releasing it into the atmosphere. This will only exacerbate future warming in a positive feedback loop."

The temperature of Earth's atmosphere is a result of energy input from the sun minus what escapes back into space. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs and traps heat that would otherwise return to space.

The global warming events were accompanied by a massive input of carbon to the atmosphere plus ocean acidification, and were characterized by a global temperature rise of about five degrees Celsius within a few thousand years.

Until now, scientists have been unable to account for the massive amounts of carbon required to cause such dramatic global warming events and Antarctica, which on today's Earth is covered by kilometres of ice, has not been appreciated as an important player in such global carbon dynamics.

The research is published in the journal Nature.


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Thawing permafrost may have led to extreme global warming events [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 4-Apr-2012
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Contact: Paul Mannion
University of Sheffield

Scientists analysing prehistoric global warming say thawing permafrost released massive amounts of carbon stored in frozen soil of Polar Regions exacerbating climate change through increasing global temperatures and ocean acidification.

Although the amounts of carbon involved in the ancient soil-thaw scenarios was likely much greater than today, the implications of this ground-breaking study are that the long-term future of carbon deposits locked into frozen permafrost of Polar Regions are vulnerable to climate warming caused as humans emit the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by burning fossil fuels for energy generation.

Researchers in centres across America, Italy and the University of Sheffield, analysed a series of sudden, and extreme, global warming events - called hyperthermals - that occurred about 55 million years ago, linked to rising greenhouse gas concentrations and changes in Earth's orbit, which led to a massive release of carbon into the atmosphere, ocean acidification, and a five degrees Celsius rise in global temperature within just a few thousand years.

It was previously thought that the source of carbon was in the ocean, in the form of frozen methane gas in ocean-floor sediments but now the experts believe the carbon released into the atmosphere millions of years ago came from the Polar Regions.

Professor David Beerling, of the University of Sheffield's Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, said: "For the first time, we have linked these past global warming events with a climatically sensitive terrestrial carbon reservoir rather than a marine one. It shows that global warming can be amplified by carbon release from thawing permafrost."

"The research suggests that carbon stored in permafrost stocks today in the Arctic region is vulnerable to warming. Warming causes permafrost thaw and decomposition of organic matter releasing more greenhouse gases back into the atmosphere.

"This feedback loop could accelerate future warming. It means we must arrest carbon dioxide emissions released by the combustion of fossil fuels if humanity wishes to avoid triggering these sorts of feedbacks in our modern world."

The breakthrough was made through cross-disciplinary collaborations with climate and vegetation modellers, isotope geochemists and permafrost experts led by Rob DeConto at the University of Massachusetts, in collaboration with the University of Sheffield, Yale, the University of Colorado, Penn State, and the University of Urbino, Italy.

Rob DeConto added: "Similar dynamics are at play today. Global warming is degrading permafrost in the north Polar Regions, unlocking once-frozen carbon and methane and releasing it into the atmosphere. This will only exacerbate future warming in a positive feedback loop."

The temperature of Earth's atmosphere is a result of energy input from the sun minus what escapes back into space. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs and traps heat that would otherwise return to space.

The global warming events were accompanied by a massive input of carbon to the atmosphere plus ocean acidification, and were characterized by a global temperature rise of about five degrees Celsius within a few thousand years.

Until now, scientists have been unable to account for the massive amounts of carbon required to cause such dramatic global warming events and Antarctica, which on today's Earth is covered by kilometres of ice, has not been appreciated as an important player in such global carbon dynamics.

The research is published in the journal Nature.


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County health department honors champions of health

SAN DIEGO?Ensuring school children have access to healthy meals; promoting physical activity and improved nutrition; providing free surgeries and colonoscopies to uninsured adults. These are just a few of the significant health improvements accomplished by organizations and people in our region.

Sixteen individuals, organizations and government agencies were honored by the County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) at the 11th annual Public Health Champion Awards ceremony today. The Public Health Champion Awards are a component ofLive Well, San Diego! initiative, the County?s 10-year plan to improve the health and safety of local residents and communities.

?These organizations and individuals are working hard to make our communities safer and healthier,? said Chairman Ron Roberts, County Board of Supervisors. ?San Diego County is well-known for its collaborative efforts and these partners are proof of that.?
The awards reflect achievements related to the 2012 National Public Health Week theme: A Healthier America Begins Today. Join the Movement!

?It is an honor to recognize the extraordinary achievements of these individuals and organizations,? said Nick Macchione, HHSA Director. ?They have made lifelong commitments to educate our residents to make healthier lifestyle choices and create a safe environment, which help prevent disease,injury and disability.?
The 2012 Public Health Champions Award recipients are:
Theme Award: Daniel Stonewall Anderson, M.D.

Dr. Anderson is a gastroenterologist at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center. His many achievements include efforts to provide free surgeries and colonoscopies to uninsured adults in our community. He has worked as a medical care provider since 1973.

Individual Award: Mary Caffery, R.N., M.S.N.

For the past 21 years, Caffery has coordinated all of the medical care, clinical research, patient education, counseling, case management, peer advocacy and support services for the UCSD Mother, Child and Adolescent HIV Program.

Organization Award: Vista Community Clinic (VCC)

VCC providers served more than 56,000 patients in 238,000 visits in 2011. Established in 1972, VCC provides a comprehensive array of primary health care and health education services in North County.

Regional Awards:

International Rescue Committee (IRC) San Diego ? Central Region
For over 37 years, IRC San Diego has given refugees the skills and services they need to succeed. IRC San Diego has resettled more than 24,000 refugees from 29 countries. IRC partnered with UCSD to expand the Fresh Fund Program at farmers? markets to promote healthy eating among low-income families, while also increasing revenue for local farmers.

Wendy Hileman ? East Region

Hileman is the president and principal researcher of Healthy Adventures Foundation (HAF), which provides education services such as fitness and healthy cooking classes, tobacco prevention, positive body image workshops, health fairs and campouts. Through partnerships with County agencies, Hileman and HAF work to provide employee wellness programs for 42 (school districts?) districts in the Southern California region.

Sandra Simmer ? North Central Region

Simmer works as a San Diego Healthy Start Coordinator for Social Advocates for Youth. She has helped families in San Diego County by planning, and implementing health education and social service programs for 35 years.

John Lundblad ? North Coastal Region

Lundblad is the Student Support Services Specialist at Carlsbad Unified School District. Lundblad helps to develop and manage student health programs, including programs that address the school dropout rates among Latino males, substance abuse and the importance of making good lifestyle choices.

Valerie Knox ? North Inland Region

Knox is the Community Partnerships Coordinator for the Office of Community Service Learning at California State University, San Marcos. She is being honored for creating a resource fair for North County?s homeless people and coordinating town hall meetings that assess regional resources and needs related to food security, mental and physical health, education, housing/shelter and financial literacy.

Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) ? South Region

CVESD serves 27,400 students in Chula Vista, Bonita, Sunnyside and South San Diego. Recent accomplishments include implementing the Healthy Eating Active program, which aims to reduce childhood obesity; mentoring other school districts to develop school wellness policies; and partnering with WalkSan Diego to provide Safe Routes to School workshops to students, school staff and parents.

Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) ? Aging and Independence Services

Established in 1974, UPAC is a comprehensive health and human services organization which addresses social, psychological, physical and economic needs of Asian, Pacific Islander and other ethnic communities.

Director?s Awards:

University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

UCSD?s Division of Child Development and Community Health has been an integral partner in obesity prevention efforts for more than a decade. Under the Communities Putting Prevention to Work program, UCSD has been responsible for implementing six nutrition-focused interventions to make policy, systems and environmental changes.

Community Health Improvement Partners (CHIP)

CHIP is a collaboration of San Diego health care systems, hospitals, community clinics, insurers, physicians, universities, community-based organizations and the County. CHIP administers the Resident Leadership Academy, designed to empower area residents to improve their communities. Approximately 51 graduates of the academy have created community improvement plans and other projects to support increased physical activity and improved nutrition in Southeast San Diego, Lemon Grove, National City and Oceanside.

San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)

As the metropolitan planning organization for San Diego County, SANDAG makes far-reaching regional transportation and land use decisions that shape the way County residents live. Through the Communities Putting Prevention to Work program, SANDAG has been responsible for implementing six interventions related to regional planning, active transportation and safe routes to school.

San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)

SDCOE is the regional government entity providing coordination and training for all 42 public school districts in the county. Through theCommunities Putting Prevention to Workprogram, SDCOE partnered with eight school districts to act as pioneers in developing new practices that will lead to healthier students. The Breakfast in the Classroom program ensures each student starts the day with a free, healthy breakfast. Their farm-to-school program connects local farms to the district and provides farm-fresh produce to the schools.

San Diego State University (SDSU)

SDSU?s Institute for Public Health (IPH) is the evaluation contractor for HHSA?s Communities Putting Prevention to Work program. The evaluation team consists of four evaluators, each focused on a specific area of the program: healthy places, healthy foods, healthy schools and the overall project. The IPH produced a comprehensive evaluation plan to cover all major aspects of the project with both qualitative and quantitative assessments.

The Right Care Initiative (IRC)

The RCI?s objective is to improve clinical outcomes through enhancing the practice of patient-centered, evidenced-based medicine. With an expert-based, public-private collaborative, the RCI focuses on cardiovascular disease, with particular emphasis on hypertension; diabetes, with particular emphasis on heart attack and stroke prevention; and hospital-acquired infections.




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[ [ [['beyond the incredible personal tragedy', 3]], '', '[Related: \?Stand your ground\? laws not just GOP policy\, records show]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['This is as serious of a tornado', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'Reuters', ], [ [['Oikos University', 8]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '450', ' ', 'REUTERS/Reuters TV/KNTV/Handout', ], [ [['Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP/David Goldman', ], [ [['Can you create commerce in order to regulate it', 9]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP/Charles Dharapak', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Warning over defence science cuts

The UK's Ministry of Defence must invest in science and technology now or suffer the consequences in coming years, a meeting in London has heard.

Rees Ward, head of defence industry body ADS, said the effects of cuts in these areas would hit hard several years down the line.

Mr Ward was one of the speakers at an event to showcase innovative concepts for defence.

Spending on science has declined steeply over the last decade.

This has occurred as the overall MoD budget has come under increasing pressure.

"Our industry? has been supported in the past by science and technology budgets that have been substantial," Mr Ward said.

"It's a great sadness and it is a great risk that over the last 10 years the MoD's [science and technology] budget has gone from ?800m to ?400m.

"We should be concerned about that as a nation, because the effects of such a reduction are not going to be felt in the next two or three years.

"They are going to be felt in five years and 10 years, when the brains, the skills, the knowledge, the understanding will have disappeared because that budget has reduced."

Mr Ward, chief executive officer for the Aerospace, Defence and Security Trade Organisation (ADS), was speaking at an event organised by the Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) to showcase defence innovations from small and medium-sized businesses.

These included a lightweight soldier uniform woven with yarn that conducts electricity. The new approach provides a single, central power source to reduce the need for multiple batteries and cabling, thereby lightening the physical burden for soldiers.

Easy target? Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

The science and technology budget is one of those budgets, I'm afraid, that always looks soft?

End Quote Prof Sir Mark Welland Chief scientific adviser, MoD

In February, a government White Paper, recognising the decline, introduced a 1.2% floor on science and technology spending as part of the total annual budget. However, many in the sector will be hoping this does indeed represent a floor, and not a ceiling.

Defence Equipment Minister Peter Luff, who was also speaking at the event, told BBC News: "[The science budget] is less contractually committed further ahead - less locked in, and that's the problem.

"If you are building a carrier, it's a programme for years? the contracts are locked, you are committed and you can't get out.

He added: "In my view, the science budget is as committed - in a moral, a political and in the requirement sense - as any other part of the MoD's budget. What I have done [with the 1.2% floor] is give it the same level of commitment, so it can't be raided when times get hard."

The MoD's outgoing chief scientific adviser, Prof Sir Mark Welland, thanked Mr Luff for supporting science since he had been in office, and commented: "The science and technology budget is one of those budgets I'm afraid that always looks soft.

"It always looks as though it's an easy target to take a quick cut on, especially if you have issues to do with current operations that are demanding and difficult - and sometimes emotive.

"It has been a challenge to make sure the [science and technology] budget remains at the heart of defence and key to delivering future capability."

Wider impact

Mr Ward warned that the adverse impact of the science cuts on Britain's ability to develop intellectual property (IP) would have knock-on effects for the wider economy.

"It puts a question mark around our ability to export. If we're not producing the IP here in the United Kingdom, we are going to be at risk sustaining the substantial exports that we currently deliver - ?9.5bn last year," he said.

A Labour defence spokesperson told BBC News that the government had inherited the 1.2% commitment, but agreed the move to ring-fence it was positive.

However, the spokesperson said the government lacked an industrial strategy and that uncertainty surrounded the future of defence sectors such as aerospace and shipbuilding.

The Centre for Defence Enterprise was set up to provide a new process for harnessing innovative ideas with potential defence or security applications. It receives research proposals from academia and business for ideas that are high-risk but which may also have great benefits.

Set up in May 2008, it has already awarded research contracts worth more than ?25.5m in total.

Mr Luff used the event to announce greater support by the CDE for its Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) providers. He said these businessses were often able to provide innovative solutions at the best possible price for the taxpayer.

The CDE is based at the Harwell science campus in Oxfordshire and is part of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL).

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Although buying ? home ?s never ? simple process, ?t does n?t h?v? t? b? ? ? ? ?particularly difficult ?n? either.

As l?ng ?s y?u d? your research ?nd g?t th? proper h?lp wh?n ?t ?s needed, y?u should b? able ?t? find th? house ?f your dreams ?n ? decent amount ?f t?m?.

TIP! Choose two easy-to-remember d?ys ?f the y??r t? check ?nd replace, ?f necessary, th? batteries in your carbon monoxide ?nd smoke detectors. New Year?s Day ?nd the Fourth ?f July ?r? ideal times t? perform th?s task.

Wh?n y?u buy ? home ?nd flip y?u c?uld end up making ? nice profit. S?m? people buy run d?wn homes ?nd fix th?m up t? sell f?r ? higher price. However y?u must understand th?t th?s c?n t?k? t?m?, money ?nd effort t? d?. M?k? sure th?t y?u h?v? th? skills and/or th? money t? g?t ? place fixed up correctly t? code.

TIP! Install ? lazy Susan ?n those odd corner cabinets. It can b? difficult to properly use the storage space they provide, if y?u h?v? to g?t d?wn on your hands and knees t? search f?r th? items ?n th? back corners.

D? n?t buy ?ny property w?th?ut having ?t inspected first. Y?u d? n?t want t? need t? t?k? th? seller t? court ?ft?r th? sale b?c?us? y?u found ?ut too late th? seller was able t? hide flaws due t? n? inspection. An inspection c?n ?ls? h?lp y?u learn ?b?ut honest omissions ?b?ut th? property?s condition th?t m?y h?lp y?u negotiate ? better price, too.

TIP! In home improvements th? kitchen usually m?k?s up th? foundation of th? home. Putting ?n new wooden cabinets along w?th shiny new faucets ?nd a marble countertop, c?n immediately add brightness t? a room ?nd make ?t such a much m?r? enjoyable space.

F?r homes th?t h?v? larger backyards, y?u m?y want t? consider getting ? house ?n th? corner yard. N?t ?nly w?ll y?u g?t m?r? space ?n your back ?nd front yards, but chances ?r? y?u w?ll n?t b? ?s close t? your neighbors. However, ?f y?u h?v? small children, m?k? sure your yard h?s ? fence.

TIP! If your home was built in th? seventies or earlier, chances ?r? good that ?t was built w?th ?nly a v?ry thin layer ?f insulation throughout th? entire structure. Ideally, th? layer should b? approximately 27 centimeters ?r 10.

H?w many homes should y?u h?v? t? look ?t? Generally th? number ?s und?r ?r around ten. Any m?r? th?n th?t, ?nd ?t c?n become n??r impossible t? m?k? ? decision. B? realistic; d? n?t expect t? s?? ?v?r twenty homes. It m?y b? physically possible, but y?u m?st likely w?ll n?t remember specific details ?b?ut th?m.

TIP! Is your flooring looking ? bit old? If you ?r? ambitious, y?u c?n pull up your floor ?nd lay down sticky wood flooring. Wh?l? many m?y th?nk th?s flooring ?s cheap, ?t is actually v?ry nice.

If you?re n?t finding an ideal home ?n your price range within desirable neighborhoods, considering fixer-uppers w?ll open options f?r y?u. Th? neighborhood ?s such an important factor ?n being happy ?n your home, y?u m?y want t? lower th? standards ?f th? house ?n?ugh t? m?k? ?t affordable t? stay ?n th? better neighborhood. Fixing up ? house ?s ? great w?y t? m?k? ?t truly your home!

TIP! B? flexible with your time. Wh?l? y?u may expect ? project t? b? done ?n ? few weeks, you m?y need to plan ?n advance f?r ?t to t?k? ? b?t longer.

D? n?t purchase ? home by th? airport ?f y?u ?r? ? person wh? does n?t like ? lot ?f noise. Many airplanes h?v? planes arriving ?nd departing ?t ?ll hours ?f th? d?y ?f th? night, wh?ch c?n disturb your daily activities ?nd sleep. If y?u d? g?t ? home n??r an airport, buying ear plugs f?r sleeping ?s ? good idea.

TIP! Replacing th? light switch covers ?n y?ur home ?s an easy ?nd quick w?y t? brighten up ? room. F?r about $20, y?u c?n replace ?ll ?f th? switch covers in an average-sized home with nice clean white ones.

B? careful t? avoid relying ?n verbal agreements wh?n y?u ?r? buying ? home. As ? general rule, y?u want t? stay away fr?m th?s? types ?f deals b?c?us? th?y ?r? unreliable. However, ?f y?u d? m?k? ? verbal arrangement w?th someone, put your agreement into writing ?s soon ?s possible ?nd h?v? ?ll interested parties sign th? document.

TIP! If your kitchen ?s looking old ?nd worn d?wn, you should try putting ? n?w sink ?n. A n?w sink will m?k? your hom? look instantly better.

D? n?t l?t your emotions overrule th?ngs ?t th? negotiation table wh?n making an offer ?n ? home. Prepare yourself t? m?k? compromises th?t m?y n?t m?k? y?u happy but w?ll m?k? th? seller m?r? willing t? find ? w?y t? meet y?u ?t an agreement th?t y?u ?r? both content w?th.

TIP! Before investing ?n new hardwood floors, check w?th a professional ?b?ut looking ?t th? current floors ?n y?ur home. Sometimes y?u m?y have beautiful, natural hardwood hiding underneath layers ?f carpet ?r linoleum that ?s just waiting t? b? refinished.

Y?u should factor ?n living costs b?f?r? y?u m?k? th? decision t? purchase ? home. F?r example, ? home ?n upstate New York w?ll require m?r? ?n heating costs th?n ? home ?n Arizona. Alternatively, water w?ll cost m?r? ?n Arizona th?n ?n Mississippi. Decide what?s m?st important t? y?u, ?nd factor ?t ?n.
W?th th? real estate market being ?s cutthroat ?s ?t ?s sometimes y?u need t? m?k? sure th?t y?u follow ? f?w simple steps th?t w?ll h?lp t? m?k? th? entire transaction ? lot easier. Either w?y y?u w?ll h?v? ? property t? call your own wh?n everything ?s complete.


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Monday, April 2, 2012

Breaking a Lease on a Rental Settlement | Galeb Real Estate

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By Billy | April 2, 2012

Most rental agreements have banner stands a piece regarding the renter breaking the lease agreement. While there?s additionally likely a piece or several sections regarding when the leasing agent can evict the renter, the part on breaking the lease needs to be of explicit interest to those who may be in a position to have to break the lease some day. Renters should understand these contract phrases to allow them to make an informed decision. Moreover the renter should take into account all costs associated with breaking the lease. This contains both financial costs in addition to emotional costs.

Understand the Contract Terms

Renters should review their rental agreement fastidiously before signing this document. The rental agreement is a legally binding doc which needs to be given correct consideration before entering into the agreement. This is essential condos for sale in toronto because understanding these phrases shall be important if the necessity to break the lease turns into a reality.

Rental agreements sometimes do permit the renter to break the lease but not with out some form of penalty. This penalty usually comes in the form of requiring the renter to provide a specified quantity of notice before the contract is up and likewise requires the renter to pay a sum of cash to break the rental agreement. A notice of 30 days and a lease break quantity equal to one month?s hire are frequent penalties associated with breaking a lease, nonetheless, individual leasing brokers could impose penalties which are either harsher or much less severe.

Consider the Costs of Breaking the Lease

As previously talked about there?s sometimes a payment associated with breaking a lease. This payment is commonly set equal to one month?s rent. While paying this payment may seem extreme there are some instances in which it?s an economically good determination to break the contract though there is a financial penalty imposed.

Consider Kitchen sinks The engine should also be checked, aks itk iks velry important to the boat the instance of a homeowner who is the method or relocating as a result of a job change. The house owner could choose to hire an residence in the new state while the house is put up on the market in the previous state. If the renter enters right into a 12 month contract below the supposition that it?ll take this lengthy to promote the outdated home and purchase a new home, he may be shocked if his other home sells quickly and he finds a house in his new state slightly quickly. This will likely all happen inside a matter of 2-three months.

The renter has the option to remain in the residence until the rental agreement nears expiration after which start in search of a home. Nevertheless, this option runs the chance that the home he previously discovered will not likely be available. The renters other possibility is to position a bid on the new home and plan on breaking the lease if he is able to shut on the new house. On this case, the renter would be saddled with both a hire and a mortgage for 9-10 months. It will likely be considerably more expensive than the worth the renter would pay to break the lease.

Breaking the Lease is Not All the time a Monetary Determination

The decision to break a lease is not all the time fully a financial decision. There are sometimes emotional components which issue into the equation. For example a renter could have just one-2 months remaining on his rental agreement when he is offered a dream job which will require him to relocate immediately. Although breaking the lease that late in the agreement is usually not financially smart, the renter could make this determination to keep away from missing out on a dream job.

Topics: Real Estate Investing |

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Motor home crash kills 5 in northeast Kansas (Providence Journal)

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Recession Proof Home Based Businesses | Online Marketing

The universe is pang from tellurian financial crisis. This affects a lot of people, withdrawal them all jobless and hungry. At this indicate in time, it is adult to a people themselves to find ways to acquire income in their possess approach and be means to yield for their family in a authorised and protected manner. In response to a serious need for jobs, a lot of online opportunities people cruise as retrogression explanation home formed businesses are made, permitting people to acquire income though carrying to leave a reserve of their possess home.

Recession explanation home formed businesses fundamentally concede we to possibly start your possess business by doing exchange online, or be hired for a work from home job. There are a lot of online opportunities available; we might turn a freelance author where we can write articles formed on what your customer requests and get paid for it. You might also opt to turn a web developer and pattern several websites and pages for your clients. Other online opportunities embody online emporium and network marketing.

The categorical thought in retrogression explanation home formed businesses is that they yield people a event to make income and acquire a vital even if we fundamentally start from scratch. Freelancing online fundamentally needs pristine talent, and all we need is a internet to showcase your ability and attract clients. What is critical in internet opportunities is that we make a good founded list of contacts and straightforwardly accessible connectors to concede we to promulgate good with your clients.

Doing home formed work opportunities however does not immediately lead to guaranteed success and reserve from a threats of financial crisis. For online opportunities to turn retrogression explanation home formed businesses, we contingency learn how to conduct it good as yet we are handling an offline pursuit and yield it seriously. One online pursuit parable that contingency immediately be disproved is that earning income online is easy. The law about a matter is that online jobs are in fact harder to do, as there is no face to face assembly with your clients, creation exchange a bit unstable. It is critical that we build a clever substructure of trust between we and your clients and assure them of your professionalism. This is important, generally if we wish to serve enhance your business and make certain that we will be means to be successful with it in a prolonged run.

The universe of online selling and promotion continues to expand. It beneficially provides pursuit opportunities to a lot of people, that is available and advantageous, generally during this indicate in time where retrogression affects everybody in a world. With online opportunities, people are given a possibility to be artistic and uncover all that they have, and during a same time be means to benefit not usually knowledge though also a possibility to acquire and assistance yield for their family. This way, everybody is given correct precedence in scheming and battling a worldwide mercantile and financial crisis, and be means to assistance themselves and their family to tarry notwithstanding the existence.

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Rep. Ryan: I misspoke on military generals

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, shakes hands with U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., Chairman of the House Budget Committee, right, before speaking with supporters of Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker at a phone bank during a campaign stop in Fitchburg, Wis., Saturday, March 31, 2012. The phone bank is used in support of Walker who is facing a recall election in June 2012. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, shakes hands with U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., Chairman of the House Budget Committee, right, before speaking with supporters of Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker at a phone bank during a campaign stop in Fitchburg, Wis., Saturday, March 31, 2012. The phone bank is used in support of Walker who is facing a recall election in June 2012. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

(AP) ? Rep. Paul Ryan says he's apologized in a telephone call to the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman for accusing the military of not giving its "true advice" on President Barack Obama's budget plan.

Military generals are required under oath to provide lawmakers their personal views on security matters, even if those views conflict with the White House. In this case, Gen. Martin Dempsey had testified that he thought Obama's $614 billion plan for defense spending next year was adequate. Dempsey said he stood by his testimony, despite Ryan's remarks.

On Sunday, the Wisconsin Republican said he was wrong for suggesting the generals weren't on the up and up. Ryan said he "really misspoke."

Ryan appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" and ABC's "This Week."

Associated Press

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