Thursday, June 28, 2012

Supreme Court Rules on Illegal Immigration Law Case Arizona SB ...

Posted by Scott Rohter? on Thursday, June 28, 2012

Scott Rohter


Supreme Court Rules on Illegal Immigration Case

Arizona Wins Partial Victory in a 5 to 3 Split Decision on SB 1070

By Scott Rohter, June 2012


Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona called the recent Supreme Court decision on Arizona?s tough illegal immigration law SB 1070, ?a victory for all Americans.? The central part of the law was upheld in an 8 to 0 decision. Justice Elena Kagan recused herself from all votes regarding the Arizona law. The reason she gave for recusing herself was that she had been the Solicitor General at the time that the Federal Government first sued Arizona over this matter.? All of the other Liberal Justices on the Court voted with the conservative members to uphold the most important aspect of the Arizona law, however the victory was neither unqualified nor complete. There is still much more work that needs to be done. There were three other parts of the Arizona law that the Court ruled on and decided against Arizona.


In a 5 to 3 split decision with only Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito dissenting, certain other aspects of the get tough on illegal immigration Arizona law were rejected including the part that allowed for warrantless arrests when there is a reason to believe that a person illegally in the country has committed a crime or misdemeanor. ?That was Section 6 of the Arizona law. Chief Justice John Roberts joined Justices Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg, and Sotomayor to reject that part of the Arizona law.


Another aspect of the law that was rejected by the same 5 to 3 decision with the same Justices aligning themselves on the same sides of the issue, either for or against was found in Section 5 of the Arizona law. This section made it a separate State crime for illegal aliens to work, or apply for work, or solicit to do work while in Arizona. Again Chief Justice Roberts joined the liberal Justices of the Court: Kennedy, Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor to strike down that aspect of the Arizona law. They said that it interfered with Congressional jurisdiction which was delegated to Congress, and specifically to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 which did not make it a crime for illegal aliens to work in the country. Again Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito were dissenting.


Finally in a 6 to 2 split decision the Supreme Court ruled to strike down Section 3 of the Arizona law, which made it a separate crime for resident aliens not to carry registration papers with them to prove their legal status. On this aspect of the Arizona law, Justice Samuel Alito joined Chief Justice John Roberts and the Liberal Justices of the Court, Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg, and Sotomayor to reject that part of the Arizona law.


In other words the victory we achieved today was a narrowly focused victory, and rather limited in scope, and there is still plenty of work to do and room for appeals and further legal wrangling? The wheels of justice turn slowly!? ?Fox new analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano predicted almost immediately after the decision was announced that other aspects of the Arizona law including its implementation, as well as the unanswered questions raised by this Supreme Court Decision will be back at the Supreme Court being challenged within the next two years. This is about all we can expect from such a divided Supreme Court, with only three solid conservatives along with two moderates and four staunch liberal-progressives on the Bench. The type of decisions that this court hands down are not going to be either sweeping or far-reaching in nature. If Americans want to see real sweeping decisions that restore the proper balance of power between the States and the Federal Government, sweeping decisions which cut the power and authority of the Federal Government and restore the original precepts of Federalism and States Rights, and decisions which respect the 9th and 10th Amendments, then we will almost certainly have to do it ourselves at the ballot box by refusing to elect any more Democrat Presidents until the Democratic Party loses its zeal for progressive ideas!


The other provisions of Arizona?s tough illegal immigration law that were either rejected by this Court or returned to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for further review include the central contention of the law that if the Federal Government fails to do its Constitutional duty by not enforcing existing immigration laws, that the States can step in and do it for them. That aspect of Federalism and that aspect of SB1070 were rejected by this Court. Other aspects of the Arizona law that were sent back down to the lower courts for review and possible legal challenges include whether or not the law is being unfairly applied based upon racial profiling.


But the main, central part of the law was upheld. In an 8 to 0 decision with Justice Elena Kagan recusing herself, the entire U.S. Supreme Court upheld the main thrust of the tough Arizona law. That decision said it is okay for Arizona police to ask a person being detained for another reason to see their proof of legal residency. All of the liberal Justices on the Court except Kagan who recused herself agreed with this aspect of the ruling, even Justice Sotomayor.


Let me repeat? If a person is already being detained, or stopped and being questioned for some other reason, then Arizona police can ask them for proof of legal residency. There is no question about this anymore! What Arizona police cannot do is they cannot just go around and willy-nilly pull people off the street for no other reason other than to ask to see their ?papers?, or randomly go up to people on the street and question them about some alleged crime that really didn?t occur just as a ruse to see their papers! Of course how you prove whether or not they are actually doing that is why there is in all likelihood the real probability that Arizona?s law will be challenged again soon in the future. So Arizona will have to be very careful to strictly document every stop, and everything surrounding their attempts to enforce legal immigration. And of course when Arizona is done documenting everything, dotting all their I?s and crossing all their T?s, the Obama administration has made it perfectly clear that they do not intend to ever seriously deport any illegal aliens back to Mexico! So Arizona will just have to detain them in County jails until such time as we have a change in administrations and a change in policies at the Federal level.


The Supreme Court said that cops cannot just go up to people on the street and ask to see their papers. And that seems perfectly reasonable to me! We shouldn?t have to carry papers with us proving our legal residency, other than perhaps a valid State driver?s license or identification card. And that driver?s license or identification card should only be issued to legal residents by the State Department of Motor Vehicles in every State! This is a decision that every State makes. We do not want to have a National I.D. Card. That would only mean even more Federal control over our lives. The implementation of this requirement is properly left to the States under the 9thand 10th Amendments.


As to how the person being detained for questioning by the police will be handled if they don?t have a driver?s license with them, and they don?t have any other immediate proof of legal residency at the time they are being questioned, I don?t actually know how the Arizona police will be handling those details, but I am sure that the Hispanic lobby will be closely monitoring the situation.


Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito were in the minority on most aspects of this historic decision. They wanted to re-establish stronger State enforcement powers to enforce existing Federal Laws when the United States Government, because of a poor administration fails to do so. They wanted the States to be able to take over the role of the Federal Government in those rare cases when the Federal Government is derelict in its duties. This contention of the Arizona Law was rejected by the other members of the Supreme Court. A more vigorous and accurate interpretation of the 9th and 10th Amendments will have to await a more faithful and fundamentalist Supreme Court,? and the people can only provide that at the ballot box by electing solid conservative Presidents. That is essentially what the Supreme Court said. This issue has to be decided at the ballot box in the next General Election!?


Original source for breakdown of the Supreme Court decision




/Supreme Court-rules-illegal-immigration-Arizona ?wins-SB 1070.html


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Categories: Uncategorized Tags: Arizona SB 1070, illegal immigration, Supreme Court

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Health care law lacks support, but so does the status quo

Americans are equally dissatisfied with the current health care system and with the federal law intended to improve it - suggesting that the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on that law will by no means end the country's sharp political debate over health care policy.

Just 36 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll express a favorable opinion of the health care law under Supreme Court review. But ratings of the health care system as it currently stands are about as weak, 39 percent favorable. That means that while the intended fix is unpopular, so is the status quo - leaving the public still in search of solutions.

See PDF with full results, charts and tables here.

One key challenge is that while Americans are broadly dissatisfied with the system overall, vastly more - 75 percent - rate their own quality of care favorably. The difficulty thus remains where it's been all along: Forging solutions to the current system's problems that don't leave people fearing they'll lose what many see as their own good quality of care now.

The high court's ruling on the health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as the ACA, is expected Thursday. While the law's popularity is weak, barely more than half, 52 percent, see it unfavorably, including 38 percent who have a "strongly" unfavorable opinion. With key provisions yet to take effect, 12 percent are undecided.

Other polling has indicated that a variety of aspects of the ACA are broadly popular - but that these are outweighed by the unpopularity of the so-called individual mandate, requiring nearly all adults to purchase insurance or pay a fine.

Another difficulty for proponents of the ACA is that dissatisfaction with the health care system now, or with current care, doesn't boost support for the new law. Among people who rate the current system unfavorably, just 35 percent have a favorable opinion of the ACA. And among those who give a negative review to their own care, the ACA's popular with just 32 percent.

Still, while the ACA is not popular, an ABC/Post poll in May found weak support for Mitt Romney's call to repeal it - a 40-40 percent division in favorable vs. unfavorable views. And in another measure, in April, just 38 percent said the Supreme Court should reject the law in its entirety. Twenty-five percent wanted it entirely upheld; 29 percent said it should be upheld in part, rejected in part.

POLITICAL LINES - This poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds sharp political differences, with the ACA seen favorably by 59 percent of Democrats, falling sharply to 36 percent of independents and just 14 percent of Republicans. Ideological divisions are similar, with liberals nearly three times more supportive of the law than are conservatives.

Divisions on the current health care system are more muted. Republicans divide, 47-49 percent, in favorable vs. unfavorable opinions of the system as it is now. Positive views are 10 and 13 percentage points lower among Democrats and independents, respectively.

Among one group - conservative Republicans - favorable views of the current system inch over the halfway point, to 51 percent, while positive ratings of the ACA crater in this group at just 11 percent. Across the spectrum, among liberal Democrats, the current system is less popular by 19 points, while the ACA is more popular by a vast 60-point margin vs. conservative Republicans.

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A difference in intensity of sentiment boosts critics of the health care law: It's seen "strongly" unfavorably by 63 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of conservatives, but strongly favorably by just 30 percent of Democrats and 31 percent of liberals.

OTHERS - Among other groups, views of the ACA are more strongly negative by 15 points among full-time workers vs. those who are employed part time; by 18 points among middle-aged and older adults (40 and up) vs. those who are younger; and by 10 points among people with middle or higher incomes vs. those with household incomes less than $50,000 a year.

Positive ratings of current care, for their part, peak among senior citizens, at 86 percent - perhaps ironically, given their enrollment in the government-run Medicare program. Current care ratings also are higher, by 15 points, among people with $50,000-plus incomes, vs. their lower-income counterparts. And strongly favorable ratings of current care spike, in particular, among people in $100,000-plus households.

In all, however the Supreme Court rules, views on health care leave most Americans in a long-familiar place: torn between satisfaction with their own quality of care and unhappiness with the current system overall - and dissatisfied with the solutions as yet put forth.

METHODOLOGY - This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cell phone June 20-24, 2012, among a random national sample of 1,022 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points. The survey was produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates of New York, N.Y., with sampling, data collection and tabulation by SSRS/Social Science Research Solutions of Media, Pa.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Google sells small tablet, challenges Kindle Fire

Hugo Barra, Director of Google Product Management, holds up the new Google Nexus7 tablet at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

Hugo Barra, Director of Google Product Management, holds up the new Google Nexus7 tablet at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

Hugo Barra, Director of Google Product Management, holds up the new Google Nexus7 tablet at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

Hugo Barra, Director of Google Product Management, holds up the new Google Nexus7 that will sell for $199, at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. The tablet will have a screen that measures 7 inches diagonally, smaller than the nearly 10 inches on Apple Inc.?s popular iPad. That means it?s more likely to challenge Inc.?s Kindle Fire, which is also 7 inches. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

Hugo Barra, Director of Google Product Management holds up the new Google Nexus7 selling at $199, at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. The tablet will have a screen that measures 7 inches diagonally, smaller than the nearly 10 inches on Apple Inc.?s popular iPad. That means it?s more likely to challenge Inc.?s Kindle Fire, which is also 7 inches. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

Hugo Barra, Director of Google Product Management, holds up the new Google Nexus7 tablet at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

(AP) ? Google will sell a small tablet computer bearing its brand in a challenge to Amazon's Kindle Fire.

The Nexus 7 is designed specifically for Google Play, the online store that sells movies, music, books, apps and other content ? the things Inc. also sells for its tablet computer.

Both tablets have screens that measure 7 inches diagonally, smaller than the nearly 10 inches on Apple Inc.'s popular iPad. The Nexus 7 will also be light ? at about 0.75 pound, compared with the Kindle Fire's 0.9 pound. The iPad weighs 1.44 pounds.

The Nexus 7 will ship in mid-July starting at $199 ? the same price as the Kindle Fire. By contrast, iPads start at $499. Customers can start ordering it through Google on Wednesday, initially in the U.S., Canada and Australia.

Andrew Rassweiler, an analyst with IHS iSuppli, said he suspects Google will be subsidizing the tablet to sell it starting at $199.

The Nexus 7 has more features than the Kindle, including a front-facing camera. The Kindle is believed to be roughly break even at that price. Samsung Electronics Co. sells a tablet similar to Google's for $250.

The Nexus 7 will run the next version of Google Inc.'s Android operating system, called Jelly Bean.

Google also announced a home entertainment device called Nexus Q. It sends content from your personal collection or YouTube to your existing TV and speaker systems. You control it through a separate Android phone or tablet.

The Nexus Q, which Google is calling the world's first "social streaming device," will available in July in the U.S. initially and sell for $299.

Google made the announcements during a keynote to open its annual conference in San Francisco for computer programmers.

Google also demonstrated its futuristic, Internet-connected glasses by having parachutists jump out of a blimp hovering about 7,000 feet above San Francisco. The audience got live video feeds from their glasses as they descended to land on the roof of the Moscone Center, the location of the conference.

Google is making prototypes of the device, known as Project Glass, available to test. They can only be purchased ? for $1,500 ? at the conference this week, for delivery early next year. Google is also giving all 6,000 attendees a Nexus 7, Nexus Q and Google Nexus phone for free.

At the event, Google provided an update on its Google Plus social network, which the company considers crucial to challenging Facebook Inc. for users and advertising. Google said the year-old social network now has 250 million, far smaller than Facebook's more than 900 million but larger than what Facebook had at the one-year mark.

Google said more people use Google Plus from mobile devices than traditional computers. On Wednesday, it introduced a Google Plus app for Android tablets and said one for the iPad is coming "very soon."

Google's expansion into the tablet market with the Nexus 7 brings another imposing entrant into what is already a battle of tech heavyweights. Last week, Microsoft Corp. announced its own tablet, Surface. Expected to go on sale this fall, Surface will run on a revamped version of Windows and compete directly with the iPad.

Although the tablet carries the Google brand, the machine will be made by AsusTek Computer Inc. Google also recently expanded into the device-making business with its $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobility, but the company has stressed that it intends to continue to rely on Asus and other manufacturers that have embraced Android.

There are already other Android-powered tablets on the market, but none have proven nearly as popular as the iPad or Kindle Fire. That has raised worries at Google as more people rely on tablets to surf the Internet.

If Apple and Amazon establish themselves as the dominant tablet makers, they could set up their operating systems in ways that de-emphasize Google's Internet search engine and other services. Apple develops its own system, while Amazon modifies Android for use in Kindles.

Apple already has announced that the next version of the iPad operating system will abandon Google's digital maps as the built-in navigation system. That shift could cause neighborhood merchants to spend less money advertising on Google.

Earlier Wednesday, Google unveiled a new search tool to help you get the right information at the right time on your mobile device. Called Google Now, the tool will be part of Jelly Bean, which will be available in mid-July. Some devices, including the Galaxy Nexus, will get the upgrade automatically over the air.

With Google Now, if you say "traffic," for example, it will look at your usual commute to work and show you alternative routes if there's a lot of traffic. It will tell you the scores of your favorite sports teams automatically, and it will keep you up to date on flight statuses if you are flying somewhere. You'll have to activate Google Now to start using it.

Google Inc. said the Google Now feature will get smarter as you use it more.

The feature bears resemblance to the Siri virtual assistant on Apple's iPhone.

Jelly Bean will also come with the ability to share photos by tapping two phones together, using an emerging wireless technology called near-field communications.

Google said there are a million new Android devices activated daily, up from 400,000 a year ago. Google says there's particularly fast growth in emerging markets such as Brazil and India. Android is now the chief rival to the mobile software running Apple's iPhone and iPad.


AP Technology Writer Peter Svensson in New York contributed to this story.

Associated Press

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Queen of Sheba left genetic legacy to Ethiopians, study finds

Ethiopians's long-ago genetic mixing with populations from Israel and Egypt is a legacy of the Queen of Sheba and her companions, say researchers.?

By Stephanie Pappas,?LiveScience / June 21, 2012

A depiction of the Queen of Sheba meeting King Solomon of Israel from the Florence Baptistry in Italy.

Richardfabi, distributed under a Creative Commons license by Wikimedia.


The Queen of Sheba's genetic legacy may live on in Ethiopia, according to new research that finds evidence of long-ago genetic mixing between Ethiopian populations and Syrian and Israeli people.

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The Queen of Sheba, known in Ethiopia as Makeda, is mentioned in both the Bible and the Quran. The Bible discusses diplomatic relations between this monarch and?King Solomon of Israel, but Ethiopian tradition holds that their relationship went deeper: Makeda's son, Menelik I, the first emperor of Ethiopia, is said to be Solomon's offspring.

Whether this tale is true or not, new evidence reveals close links between Ethiopia and groups outside of Africa. Some Ethiopians have 40-50 percent of their genomes that match more closely with populations outside of Africa than those within, while the rest of the genomes more closely match African populations, said study researcher Toomas Kivisild of the University of Cambridge. [History's Most Overlooked Mysteries]

"We calculated genetic distances and found that these non-African regions of the genome are closest to the populations in Egypt, Israel and Syria," Kivislid said in a statement.

From its perch on the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is the site of early hominin discoveries such as "Lucy," a fossilizedAustralopithecus afarensis?and an early human ancestor. Ethiopia is also a?gateway between Africa and Asia, according to Kivislid and his colleagues. But few genetic studies have delved specifically into the Ethiopian genome.

Both agriculture and linguistics show a link between Ethiopia and lands outside of Africa. For example, archaeologists have uncovered wheat and barley farming in Ethiopia, agriculture that first arose in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East. Linguistically, Ethio-Semitic, a language spoken both in Ethiopia and nearby Eritrea, has been traced to a Middle Eastern origin.?

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Samsung: Galaxy S III sales to hit 10 mln in July

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ? Samsung Electronics Co., the world's top mobile phone maker, said Monday it expects global sales of the latest Galaxy smartphone to surpass 10 million in July even as it struggles to keep up with demand because of component shortages.

Shin Jong-kyun, president of Samsung's mobile communications business, said the Galaxy S III will hit the 10-million milestone within two months of its launch.

"It has been tough to keep up with demand," Shin told reporters.

Samsung's failure to procure sufficient mobile components for its latest smartphone has stoked concerns that its second-quarter smartphone sales could be much lower than expected. Shin said the company expects to resolve the supply issues with mobile components sometime in the next week.

"Despite the tough economic situation in Europe and problems with supplying components for the Galaxy S III, the second-quarter earnings will be better than the first quarter," he said.

Shares of Samsung tumbled 4.2 percent on the Seoul bourse on Monday, closing at a four-month low. The benchmark Kospi index fell 1.2 percent.

Samsung began sales of the Galaxy S III in Europe on May 29 and released the smartphone through all major mobile U.S. carriers last week. In its home market, the company started sales of the latest iteration of Galaxy earlier Monday.

Samsung's sales estimate for the S III reflects robust demand from mobile operators. Unlike Apple Inc., Samsung does not disclose sales figures to consumers.

The South Korean company said the S III will be released by around 300 mobile carriers in 147 countries by the end of July, aiming for an early start before rival Apple announces a new version of the iPhone in the third quarter.

The third version of the Galaxy S features a bigger screen ? measured 4.8-inch diagonally ? but is thinner and lighter than its predecessors and the iPhone 4S.

Samsung packed the high-end smartphone with a legion of new features including eye-recognition technology that keeps the screen from dimming. It also has voice command functions that let users schedule an alarm or adjust volume by speaking to their device.

Its near-field communication technology enables sharing of data heavy multimedia content among Galaxy S III users quickly. But activating the function ? called S Beam ? takes multiple steps.

Because Samsung customizes its flagship smartphone based on Google's Android operating system, some of Samsung's features overlap with those made by Google.

Separately, Samsung's mobile president said it is still investigating the explosion of a Galaxy S III in Ireland. He said the battery wasn't the cause.

Samsung overtook Nokia as the world's biggest mobile-phone maker in 2011 and competes with Apple for the top smartphone maker position. It aims to double its smartphone sales this year to nearly 200 million phones.


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Outdoor Cooking ? Safe Practices | Internet Contents

Outdoor cooking is meant to be a fun and festive event so a little careful planning and awareness can ensure that your next barbecue is fun, safe, enjoyable and tasty. Not only should you be careful when setting up a barbecue but ensuring that safe food handling and cooking practices are used is critical to your next outdoor event?s success.

Grill Safety

When cooking on a barbecue, hibachi, or a barbecue pit make sure that you and your guests are safe. Hot coals, hot surfaces or grease flare ups can create a dangerous situation. Whether using coals or a gas grill you should be aware of fire safety at all times. Some critical items to consider:

Make sure any outside games and traffic paths are away from your grill so that someone doesn?t accidentally push over it over or gets burned on a hot surface. Also, be aware of pets getting too close.

Be sure to use proper utensils that are long enough and capable of handling the weight of what you are cooking.

Follow all correct lighting procedures weather using gas or coals. Turn the gas on only when you are ready to light and never throw lighter fluid on already lit coals or flames.

Food Safety

Perhaps one of the biggest dangers that people overlook is proper food safety. While setting up a barbecue safely is more obvious because the dangers are more readily seen, food born illness can create an uncomfortable and even dangerous situation if proper food handling and cooking procedures are not done correctly. The challenges of refrigeration and improper cooking can create unsafe food for consumption very quickly and spoil your outdoor event. It begins with shopping and doesn?t end until the last leftover is eaten.

When shopping, be sure to purchase your meats last. Utilize the plastic bags at the store for the raw meats and make sure they are all bagged separate from other perishables such as fruits and vegetables. Drive directly home from the store and refrigerate within two hours and certainly sooner (less than 1 hour) if the outside temperature is above 90 degrees. Freeze ground meats and poultry if they?re not going to be used within 2 days and other meats within 4 to 5 days.

When transporting to a picnic or even outside, make sure that the meats remain in an ice chest below 40 degrees and keep cool until you?re ready to cook. Keep the cooler out of direct sunlight to avoid any warm spots. Also, make sure that any beverages are in a separate cooler so that raw meats don?t contaminate drink containers. Be sure to use different utensils and plates when handling uncooked meats versus handling cooked items for serving. Always wash your hands thoroughly after putting on the meats to cook and prior to handling the finished product.

Cook meats to their proper temperatures to ensure correct cooking. Use a quality meat thermometer and check thick portions and never near a bone, fat, or gristle. Internal meat temperatures are as follows:

Poultry: 165 deg F

Ground Beef: 160 deg F

Beef, Veal and Lamb:

Medium rare 145 deg F

Medium 160 deg F

Pork: 160 deg F.

When smoking meats, be sure to smoking temperatures are maintained at 250 deg to 300 deg until the internal temperatures above are reached. If pre-cooking, make sure that you start your final cooking just after pre-cooking, without delay. Be sure to keep foods hot at 140 deg F or higher until serving. If outside weather is above 90 def F, don?t let food set out for more than an hour. Be sure to refrigerate leftovers within two hours of serving and within an hour if over 90 def F.


As outlined above, a few simple precautions can make or break a great outdoor cooking event. Be aware of your surroundings when cooking and be sure to follow safe food handling and cooking practices. A good cooking thermometer is essential to your barbecue supplies. And yes, good sauces, good meats and a great BBQ are required but safe practices are also critical BBQ supplies.

Outdoor Cooking - Safe Practices

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Real Estate As An Investment ? Discover the ... - Green Real Estate

Real Estate will undoubtedly become a part of an entrepreneur?s portfolio.

In fact, the advantages of real estate make it the largest investment vehicle for most entrepreneurs who have reached a net worth exceeding $1 Million.


Property is an Asset. Banks love to lend money to purchase assets.

Real estate investment financing is a big business for the banking industry. You cannot borrow money from the bank to buy stocks and bonds or invest into other ?Paper assets?.

If you want to buy $100,000 worth of stock, you will need $100,000, no question.

However, if you want to buy an investment property for $100,000, chances are you can put down 10% ? $10,000 and borrow the rest. You now control a $100,000 investment without actually having to part with that much money.

If you then sell that property later on and net $110,000, you have received a 100% ROI. You invested $10,000; you netted an additional $10,000, effectively doubling your investment.

If you purchase $100,000 worth of stock and sell it for $110,000, you have only achieved a 10% ROI, with a $100,000 of capital, which theoretically could have bought 10 houses at or below $100,000.

Paper assets such as stocks definitely are vehicles for wealth, but this illustrates one of the many advantages of real estate.


One of the other advantages of real estate is appreciation. In the long term real estate generally appreciates. If you currently own investment property and have owned it for at least the last 20 years, historically the value of that real estate will have grown significantly.

Real estate markets can vary from one metropolis to another, and within those markets are smaller markets that show higher cap rates and profit margins.

I can say from my position here in Chicago as being a relatively stable market in relation to other parts of the US. Even with a modest average of 5-6% appreciation annually in the Windy City, the equity and value of property exponentially adds up.

Passive Income

Income is one of everyone?s favorite advantages of real estate.

Income-producing assets are the cornerstone of long-term financial stability. If you are forced into an early retirement or otherwise suffer a loss of earned income, it is nice to have a source of passive income.

In the best of times it builds your cash reserves while also growing in equity value.

Passive or residual income through real estate has-been and always will-be a reliable income stream for many people.

Depreciation and Tax Advantages

Through depreciation, value is received in the form of lower taxes.

As a self employed professional or business owner, you essentially make your money first, then pay taxes later, ?writing off? your various expenses to reduce your tax liability.

Depreciation is a major write-off on one?s tax returns, leaving more money working for you at the end of the year.

Additionally, the interest you pay on any mortgages is another write off which helps maximize value.

Even for ?W-2? income earners these are two major advantages of real estate.

Deferred-Tax Advantages

Finally, one of the most unknown benefits of investment property is through deferring capital gains with the 1031 Tax Exchange.

When you sell an investment property you pay capital gains taxes.
With a 1031 Tax Exchange, as long as you are buying real estate equal-to or greater than the previous property, you can do it without paying capital gains tax.

So if you?re selling an investment property for $500,000, you?ll need to buy another ?like-kind? property at $500,000, or higher.

It?s the Monopoly strategy.

Remember the last time you played Monopoly? First you build 1 green house and then two, then three and finally three green houses are all lined up.

Instead of building a fourth house, you ?sell? all the green houses and trade-up to a big red Hotel and really rake in the dough.

What you have done is leveraged the total value of the houses, without paying 10?s or 100?s of thousands of dollars in capital gains taxes, to ?trade up? to a larger piece of real estate that can ultimately more generate more profit while incorporating economies of scale by managing more units with less resources.

Beyond these all these advantages of investing in real estate, it is fundamentally a sound investment. Investing in the life?s necessities is usually wise and people will always need a place to live and populations will continue to grow.

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Tropical Storm Debby drenches Florida

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? Practically parked off Florida's Gulf Coast since the weekend, Tropical Storm Debby raked the Tampa Bay area with high wind and heavy rain Monday in a drenching that could top 2 feet over the next few days and trigger widespread flooding.

At least one person was killed Sunday by a tornado spun off by Debby in Florida, and Alabama authorities searched for a man who disappeared in the rough surf.

An estimated 35,000 homes and businesses lost electricity. But as of midafternoon, the slow-moving storm had caused only scattered damage, including flooding in some low-lying areas.

The bridge leading to St. George Island, a vacation spot along the Florida Panhandle, was closed to everyone except residents, renters and business owners to keep looters out. The island had no power, and palm trees had been blown down, but roads were passable.

"Most true islanders are hanging in there because they know that you may or may not be able to get back to your home when you need to," said David Walker, an island resident having a beer at Eddy Teach's bar. He said he had been through many storms on the island and Debby was on the weaker end of the scale.

Gov. Rick Scott declared a statewide emergency, allowing authorities to put laws against price-gouging into effect and override bureaucratic hurdles to deal with the storm.

By late afternoon, Debby was in the Gulf of Mexico, 30 miles southwest of Apalachicola, with sustained winds around 45 mph.

A tropical storm warning remained in effect for the coastal counties of west-central and southwest Florida, forecasters said Monday evening.

Forecasters said it would crawl to the northeast, come ashore along Florida's northwestern coast on Wednesday and track slowly across the state, exiting along the Atlantic Coast by Saturday morning and losing steam along the way.

Parts of northern Florida could get 10 to 15 inches of rain, and some spots as much as 25 inches, as the storm wrings itself out, forecasters said.

"The widespread flooding is the biggest concern," said Florida Emergency Operations Center spokeswoman Julie Roberts. "It's a concern that Debby is going to be around for the next couple of days, and while it sits there, it's going to continue to drop rain. The longer it sits, the more rain we get."

High winds and the threat of flooding forced the closing of an interstate highway bridge that spans Tampa Bay and links St. Petersburg with areas to the southwest.

Monday evening, the state announced the closing of the Howard Frankland bridge that connects Tampa, including the region's major airport, and St. Petersburg. The eight-lane bridge carries Interstate 275 over Tampa Bay. Traffic was being diverted to an alternative span.

People in several sparsely populated counties near the crook of Florida's elbow were urged to leave low-lying neighborhoods because of the danger of flooding. Shelters opened in some places.

On St. Pete Beach in the Tampa Bay area, surfers enjoyed the large waves in the Gulf, which is usually so calm the water looks like glass. Residents cleaned up debris in yards and streets from a possible tornado Sunday.

"The wind picked up so bad. It's very, very scary. I ran into the closet underneath the hallway stairs," said Ann Garrison, who has lived on the barrier island for 20 years but has never seen such strong winds. She said that when she came back out after just a few minutes, "the fence was gone, and it was in the middle of the yard."

Nearby, a likely tornado ripped the roof off a marina and an apartment complex and knocked down fences, trees and signs.

Kourosh Bakhtiarian's yard was flooded. He said people were driving around the neighborhood to gawk at the damage, and he complained that police hadn't closed off the streets.

"We have a lot of visitors from outside of this area. They just want to see exactly where the disaster is. I mean, this is not the happiest time," he said.

On St. George Island, many businesses were closed, but Eddy Teach's bar had a few customers and used a generator to keep beer and food cold.

"The tourists cleared out. It's not a good thing and hurts the economy during a week in peak season," said Patrick Sparks, a manager at the bar. He scoffed at the storm, which was well below the 74 mph threshold for a hurricane: "It's a little rash to send everyone home."


Farrington reported from St. George Island. Associated Press writers Freida Frisaro and Christine Armario in Miami; Gary Fineout in Tallahassee; and AP Auto Writer Dee-Ann Durbin in Detroit contributed to this report.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Truth involving Yoga and health and fitness Pertaining ... - Carecrunch

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Yoga - A Beginner's Guide to Inversions - Religion Articles, News ...

Once I announced it had become here we are at Shirsasana, (Headstand) throughout a workshop I was teaching in Philadelphia a few years ago, an elderly woman slunk out of the room, quickly followed by her yoga teacher. Moments later, both went back. Later, I learned that the student had left the bedroom because she'd never been inverted in her life and was frightened to try her yoga teacher had gently persuaded her to send back, insisting that that this was the perfect opportunity. Hesitantly, the student had agreed.

I helped her up, kept her there for about 15 seconds, and punctiliously brought her down. She stood up, smiled, and afflicted me with a big hug. The next day, one thing she told me was, "Are you able to take me inverted again today?" I have been told that she has become up during almost every class since. In a spry 82, this woman had faced her fears, empowered herself making it herself more able in old age than youth.

Since we rarely, when, purposefully turn ourselves inverted, a rather large dislike to inversions is natural. However it is a waste permit fear stop us from countless benefits and delights. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, "He has not learned the teachings of life who will only a few day surmount anxiety.In .

A yoga practice without inversions is sort of a marriage without a spouse, lemonade without lemons, or a body without a heart - the essence is missing. Inversions set yoga in addition to Easy Yoga other physical disciplines: Psychologically, they let us see things from a different perspective. Emotionally, they slowly move the energy in the pelvis (the force of creation and personal power) toward the guts center, enabling self exploration and inner growth. Physically, they stimulate the immune and endocrine systems, thereby invigorating and nourishing your brain and organs. When done correctly, inversions also release tension in the neck and spine.

To obtain these palpable benefits--and also to prevent injury, especially for the neck--it is essential to learn the correct setup and alignment for every pose. Also, I would recommend that females forgo inversions on their monthly period. Reversing the circulation of blood disagrees your body's natural urge to discharge stale blood along with the endometrial lining, also it can result in a backflow of menstrual fluid (generally known as retrograde menstruation). Other contraindications include neck injuries, epilepsy, high blood pressure levels, heart conditions, and eye problems. So use caution relating to your body as you approach these poses, but use them.

After 36 numerous years of yoga, I practice both poses every day and recommend a similar to my students. It will take a little while to formulate an exercise of Sarvangasana and Shirsasana. Be patient with yourself, and utilize a well-trained certified instructor. It can take time for you to master these powerful poses, just make sure do, you will reap their benefits through out your daily life.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saul Landau: Washington and Damascus

Syria has become dangerous. Syrians get killed and wounded almost daily. Their neighbors have also felt the impacts of violence: refuges in Turkey and outbreaks of fighting in Tripoli's streets in Lebanon where peace depends on a nuanced arrangement between Christians and Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Northern Iraqi Kurds share with Syrian Kurds the "statehood" ideal that has periodically shaken the region and provoked Turkey to use heavy military force.

Jordan and Israel watch uneasily as scores of armed rebel units do urban guerrilla warfare. Patrick Seale reports, "jihadis, armed Islamic extremists, have crossed into Syria from neighboring countries -- and also from Kuwait, Tunisia, Algeria and Pakistan. ... Rebel groups conduct ambushes, attack check-points, destroy public property, kill government troops -- about 250 were killed in ten days in late May and early June. They also kidnap, rape and slaughter pro-regime civilians," and easily sell the "Asad did it" line to U.S. media.

To stop the rebels from holding territory, Seale continues, Asad's forces have shelled neighborhoods "when rebels hole up in them." The rebels hope to provoke "Western military intervention... The rebels know they cannot defeat the Syrian army without outside help."

Indeed, Syrian violence has begun to loom like a potential, political cholera in the region, which anti-Asad promoters will not easily contain.

The United States continues to try to "knock off the rogues." Disobedient, undemocratic regimes like Syria and Iran -- not obedient Saudi Arabia and Yemen -- beget Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's and President Barack Obama's threats and feel the pain of their sanctions -- even though neither country has done anything to America. Indeed, over the past decade, Syria tortured "suspects" for Washington, and warned U.S. agencies of terrorist plots, which then were thwarted. President Asad has become a recipient of the "no good deed goes unpunished" law.

The White House responds to Syria's efforts with phrases resonating with war tones. But one active member of the U.S. armed forces attempts suicide almost twice a day, not an indicator of readiness to fight yet another Middle East war.

The Syrian uprising with clandestine funding from Saudi and Qatari royalties and anti-Asad Syrian millionaires abroad, and support from Washington and its allies, aims to weaken Syria, Iran's ally. The conflict, however, also raises a fear of yet another western venture into the Middle East -- with a possible wider clash as well.

In early June, Secretary Clinton accused Russia of supplying attack helicopters to Asad, an act that "prolongs the violence." Russia denied her charge, showing it had repaired older Syrian helicopters. (New York Times, June 14.) Russia then called on Clinton to stop Saudi and Qatari financing arms and mercenaries going into Syria.

Paying lip service to the U.N. plan forged by former Secretary General Kofi Annan, Clinton then told Russia to stay out of Syria -- some distant region, you know, like Cuba is to the United States.

Russian Foreign Miister Sergei Lavrov said Russia resisted western intervention "because we know Syria is a complicated multi-confessional state, and because we know that some of those calling for military intervention want to ruin this and turn Syria into a battleground for domination in the Islamic world." (AP Moscow, June 9, 2012)

"Butchers," shout U.S. politicians and media at Syria's rulers, accepting on faith reports from the Syrian opposition -- including al-Qaeda members -- that Asad's forces massacred civilians at Houla and al-Qubair. But who really did these ugly acts? The media have until recently accepted opposition claims uncritically.

Syria's 20.5 million are not governed by a nut like Qadaffi. Asad maintains strong support in Damascus and Aleppo, Syria's largest cities, as well as in Alawite areas. A February poll conducted by a Qatari agency, backed by anti-Asad money, concluded Asad's regime enjoyed 55 percent popular support -- not for its virtues, but because people worried a subsequent government would be worse.

Amidst U.S. and European recessions, why provoke tensions in Syria where western intervention could provoke a new Cold War? China and Russia, fearing a big-power conflict, have refused to abide the West's anti-Asad moves. Syria's conflict could also ignite a regional and religious war: Saudi Arabia and Qatar versus Iran; Sunnis versus Shias.

What should the West do to stop ongoing violence to civilians? The Independent's Mary Dejevsky called it "utterly disingenuous for the U.S. and Britain to call for action in Syria and blame Russia for being obstructive." Kofi Annan's U.N. plan to end violence between Asad's forces and opposition fighters, she observed, did not stop massacres. But who did the dirty deeds? Asad blames "terrorists;" his enemies blame Asad. ("The Euro crisis will look like a walk in the park if Syria explodes," June 8)

The Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung (FAZ), blamed anti-Asad Sunnis because the victims were almost all "from the Alawi and Shia minorities." The German newspaper said "perpetrators then filmed their victims and, in internet videos presented them as Sunni victims of the regime."

Patrick Seale suggests the West should "unite with Russia and China" to pressure "both sides" to stop fighting "and come to the table. "Diplomacy, rather than war, is the only way to preserve what is left of Syria for its hard-pressed citizens."

Maybe after the U.S. elections?

Landau's WILL THE REAL TERRORIST PLEASE STAND UP is available on dvd from He's an Institute for Policy Studies Fellow.


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Jack Osbourne Snuggles with Kelly and Pearl

Jack Osbourne had two cuddly gals on his hands Thursday, as evidenced by this sweet photo taken with his sister, Kelly Osbourne, and his daughter, Pearl Clementine, 8 weeks.

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Tesla Model S first drive: the sports sedan goes electric (update: video)

DNP EMBARGO  Tesla Model S first drive the sports sedan goes electric video

It's no secret that we have a few automobile enthusiasts in our midst here at Engadget, and we're pretty sure there are some in the audience as well -- you know who you are. Still, you don't have to be a car nut to appreciate all the innovation and technology that's gone into Tesla's sophomore vehicle -- the Model S electric sedan. So strap yourselves in and hold on to your kneecaps: you're about to ride along with us as we drive the Model S for the very first time. Excited? We are too -- hit the break for our first drive video and impressions.

Continue reading Tesla Model S first drive: the sports sedan goes electric (update: video)

Tesla Model S first drive: the sports sedan goes electric (update: video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 22 Jun 2012 21:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Paraguay president faces impeachment trial

Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo gives a news conference at the government palace in Asuncion, Paraguay, Thursday, June 21, 2012. The lower house of Paraguay's congress has voted to begin impeachment proceedings against Lugo for his role in a violent eviction, after he was heavily criticized over a land eviction last week that killed 17 people in gunbattles between police and landless farmers in a forest reserve. (AP Photo/Cesar Olmedo)

Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo gives a news conference at the government palace in Asuncion, Paraguay, Thursday, June 21, 2012. The lower house of Paraguay's congress has voted to begin impeachment proceedings against Lugo for his role in a violent eviction, after he was heavily criticized over a land eviction last week that killed 17 people in gunbattles between police and landless farmers in a forest reserve. (AP Photo/Cesar Olmedo)

Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo gives a news conference in Asuncion, Paraguay, Thursday, June 21, 2012. The lower house of Paraguay's congress has voted to begin impeachment proceedings against Lugo for his role in a violent eviction, after he was heavily criticized over a land eviction last week that killed 17 people in gunbattles between police and landless farmers in a forest reserve. (AP Photo/Cesar Olmedo)

Farmers protest holding pictures of people who died on June 15 in clashes with police as they were evicted from a reserve, on the outskirts of Curuguaty, Paraguay, Thursday, June 21, 2012. The lower house of Paraguay's congress has voted to begin impeachment proceedings against Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo for his role in the violent eviction. Lugo has been heavily criticized over the land eviction last week that killed 17 people in gunbattles between police and landless farmers in a forest reserve. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

Farmers protest holding pictures of people who died on June 15 during clashes with police as they were evicted from a reserve, on the outskirts of Curuguaty, Paraguay, Thursday, June 21, 2012. The lower house of Paraguay's congress has voted to begin impeachment proceedings against Paraguay's President Fernando Lugo for his role in the violent eviction, after Lugo was heavily criticized over the land eviction last week that killed 17 people in gunbattles between police and landless farmers in a forest reserve. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

Soldier patrol near Curuguaty, Paraguay, Saturday, June 16, 2012. Paraguay deployed its army Friday to resolve a violent land dispute in a remote northern forest reserve after 17 people were killed in gun battles between police and landless farmers. The violence broke out as police tried to evict about 150 farmers from the reserve. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

(AP) ? Paraguayan lawmakers voted to impeach President Fernando Lugo for his role in a deadly clash involving landless farmers and announced that former Roman Catholic bishop's impeachment trial would begin on Friday in the Senate.

Lugo, who was elected four years ago on promises that he would help the South American country's poor, went on national television to dismiss rumors that he would resign and vowed to face the trial "with all its consequences."

The lower house approved the impeachment trial by a vote of 76-1 on Thursday and hours later the Senate announced that it will begin his impeachment trial on Friday.

The vote added to the political turmoil in the poor, landlocked country with a history of political instability and prompted frightened residents of the capital, Asuncion, to shutter businesses and pull children from school.

Paraguayans were unnerved by the looming showdown in the opposition-controlled Senate and the possibility that it could spark street protests such as those that followed the March 1999 assassination of Vice President Luis Maria Argana.

"I'm working in the street and truth is I'm really scared! Upset," a Twitter user named Pamela Veron wrote on her account.

"And the new Interior Minister, what does he say about our security?" a Paraguayan man named Juan Fleytas tweeted. "He guarantees that nothing will happen to us if we protest?"

Hospitals in Asuncion were put on alert, freeing up beds, suspending scheduled surgeries and ensuring plenty of medical staff were on standby as a preventive measure in the face of possible violence, said Enrique Bellassai, director of the Medical Emergencies Hospital in Asuncion.

"We are not going to escape turbulence, it's coming," said Paraguayan political analyst Horacio Galeano Perrone, who specializes in national defense issues. "If you were to ask me, I'd tell you to go to the supermarket and buy batteries, buy everything."

Lugo's election in 2008 ended 61 years of rule by the Colorado Party, and he has constantly clashed with Congress, where he has few firm allies. If ousted, Lugo would be replaced by Vice President Federico Franco.

Critics blame Lugo for the violence that erupted last week when police tried to evict about 150 farmers from the 4,900-acre (2,000)-hectare reserve, which is part of a huge estate owned by a Colorado Party politician. Advocates for the farmers say the landowner used political influence to get the land from the state decades ago, and say it should have been put it to use for land reform.

Seventeen people died in the clash.

Lugo, 63, has expressed sorrow at the confrontation and accepted the resignations of his interior minister and his chief of police.

Paraguay is the world's No. 4 supplier of soybeans and land disputes have risen in recent years as farmers seek more land to grow the crop, which is the country's top export earner.

Lugo, who resigned as a bishop to run for the presidency, had promised farmland for 87,000 landless families. But as he nears the end of his term next year, he has failed to deliver, partly because his programs have been blocked in the legislature.

The president was once known as the "bishop of the poor," and his election was part of South America's leftward swing.

Lugo is still backed by some farmworker groups, including several whose leaders said they wanted to travel to the capital to demonstrate their support.

On the streets of the Paraguayan capital, opinions about the impeachment effort were mixed.

"Lugo should finish his mandate and afterward we will elect someone who belongs to us," said Benito Canete, a 68-year-old concierge in an apartment building. "I think that if they get rid of him now it will be bad for the country."

Ana Campuzano, a 42-year-old odontologist, backed the ouster effort. "Lugo should resign, it was bad for him to remain" after the deadly clash, she said. "It's his fault because he doesn't know how to manage things."

On Thursday, Lugo urged lawmakers to do all they can to avoid an impeachment trial, warning that it could be resisted by many citizens who back him and that it could put them on the wrong side of history.

Paraguay's land ownership problems stretch back nearly 140 years to a war Paraguay lost to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Saddled with crushing war debt, Paraguay began selling off government holdings that amounted to 95 percent of the country, with the most fertile parcels going to political cronies.

Privatizations accelerated under the 1954-1989 dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner and into the early 1990s, when about 17 million acres (7 million hectares) ended up in the hands of just 1,877 people, according to a 2004 government study.

In 1999, the assassination of Argana deepened a political clash and led to demonstrations calling for President Raul Cubas Grau of the Colorado Party to be tried for Argana's killing. Seven demonstrators were killed in a confrontation with government forces, leading to Cubas' resignation.

Associated Press

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Judith S. Wallerstein, Psychologist Who Analyzed Divorce, Dies At 90 -

Judith S. Wallerstein, a psychologist who touched off a national debate about the consequences of divorce by reporting that it hurt children more than previously thought, with the pain continuing well into adulthood, died on Monday in Piedmont, Calif. She was 90.

Read the whole story at

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Basement remodeling for West Belmar NJ | Home remodeling ...

These are great reasons and ideas on why you should remodel and finish your basement.

A Room for him or her

Whether you?ve got teenagers or younger children, creating another room in which the kids can enjoy is invaluable. Since the basement is often a below-grade space, it will often muffle noise, meaning a quieter upstairs to suit your needs if your kids can enjoy and hang out downstairs. Plus, adults are able to use the upstairs to quietly relax as the kids play downstairs ? this is great for sleepovers and birthday parties.


Family Room

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An added bonus is that basements are below-grade spaces so they are naturally cooler in the summertime months. In the winter months a heater brings warmth for the room without having to break this.


A Home Theater

Maybe your loved ones likes to watch movies together or you?ve just always wanted home theater room. Remodeling your basement gives you extra room for a theater and in the basement, it gives you some sound buffer too. So yourself ?can also enjoy movies about the big screen TV in fashion. For really fun it is possible to decorate your loved ones theater as being a real movie theatre and serve popcorn in actual popcorn boxes.

Just Imagine Making Your Unfinished Basement? the Favorite Room in Your Home! There?s no faster, easier way to expand your living space than with a finished basement. We will provide you with the flexibility that enables you to finish your basement at an affordable price and a premier level of service. With quality versus quantity as our focus, we believe it is critical to: listen to our clients, use top quality materials and provide superior craftsmanship. Hands on Carpentry LLC always offers friendly and professional customer services and high quality labor in preparing the projects. Our goal is 100 Percent customer satisfaction guarantee!


It doesn?t matter how you may finish your basement, be sure it functions well depending on how yourself live and play. This can take you the most enjoyment from your newly renovated space. So let our professionals assist you to produce a basement that you?re going to love to show your friends and relations, give or expert staff a phone call today!

Basement Remodeling Ideas

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