Monday, July 9, 2012

Home Based Business ? Fight the Recession! |

Let?s come to grips with something.the US economy is in a recession, the EU economy is set to slip into full out bankruptcy or hyperinflation (and probably both), and all other economies are going to catch a cold when the ?big sneeze? happens. The good news is that you don?t have to break out the tissue paper, if you prepare accordingly. According to history, a home based business might just be what the doctor ordered.

Home Based Business Can Save the Household

When money gets tighter than stretchy pants, it can cause great disruption in the family. Arguments typically stem from spending patterns, budgets, and trying to keep up with the neighbours. The stress created by this situation not only puts a damper on a family?s financial picture, but also on its relationships.

The go-to-plan for many of these households is another job. This is quite often the easiest solution for the bank account, but often deals another blow emotionally to the family as it takes away more time spent with loved ones and starts to wear away at the burning rope that?s set to snap at any second.

This is where a home based business can bring in the heavy chain.

No where is it more rewarding to earn additional income than in a home based business. You don?t need to leave your home, it can involve other family members, and it can create an additional income stream that is based on profits (which can increase exponentially), and not wages (which increase incrementally).

If we took all the big corporate giants and shifted their profits to each household, you could easily make $500 a month in today?s economy in a home based business. By supporting the home based business where you can, you support the family next door to keep the lights on, rather than Wal-Mart keeping their lights on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Take Tim Horton?s, a Canadian coffee franchise as an example on how to shift profits to your pocketbook.

Tim Horton?s spread rapidly and eventually overtook McDonald?s as Canada?s largest food service operator. It holds approximately 62% of the Canadian coffee market. So in an approximately 70 million cups a day market, Tim Horton?s serves up over 40 million of them.

Do you think that a home based business could horn in on those cups? Enough to provide a few hundred to a few thousand dollars a month? You bet it can!

Ultimately, the more earned (not printed) money reaching each household, the better chance the economy has of stabilizing. After all, the state of the economy boils down to the financial picture of each individual family, and the more that are in the red, the more the government?s budget goes in the red.

It?s time to get yourself back into the green, by taking a piece of the pie rather than allowing the big boys fill their pie hole to exhaustion.

A Home Based Business Can Earn Big Business Bucks

A home based business does not necessarily mean small income. For some, that?s all they desire to make and that?s great if it allows them to take the financial strain off their family. But it doesn?t have to stop there.

There are plenty of opportunities in a home based business that you can start up for less than the new smart phone, and allow you to make a full time income, AND allow you to set it on auto pilot.

One of the quickest, simplest, and most rewarding ways to start a home based business resides in network marketing.

In a network marketing home based business you can invest a low to mid 3 figure investment to get an already structured business with products and services (which you don?t need to take the time, money, and energy to create), that can either earn you hundreds of dollars in retail profit each month, or eventually earn you a residual income that allows you to spend more time on the things you really want to do.

Where else can you build a home based business, and walk away knowing that your customers orders are getting filled while you are getting your fill at the buffet in a Bali resort?

The key is to start a home based business that offers products and services that are recession proof. That way your downside risk is minimized, with your upside potential still intact. Exactly the kind of formula you want to embrace!

Bottom line, no matter what home based business you choose, be sure to support others who operate a home based business as well, and bring back the community that once existed thanks to the small and home based business.

For more information on a home based business, please visit


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