Sunday, February 24, 2013

Michigan Credit Union League: Michael Vorce lawsuit stories add insult to injury (Guest column)

David Adams is chief executive officer of the Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates.

By David Adams

If a convicted murderer or rapist sued the family of his victim, would the Grand Rapids Press publish the story and add embarrassing insult to injury by shaming the loved ones of the victim of a brutal crime?

This might seem outside the realm of possibility for a venerable and trusted news organization. And yet, in the world of serious, non-violent crime, this is exactly what your paper did in its story on Feb.13, "Michael Vorce sues, says Lake Michigan Credit Union shares blame in his $27 million scheme."

Michael Vorce is a convicted criminal who is serving time for stealing money from 9 banks, among them, one of Grand Rapids' largest, strongest and most trusted credit unions, Lake Michigan Credit Union.

The credit union and its members, officers and directors were the victims of the crime which occurred. The $3.4 million stolen by Mr. Vorce from the credit union would have otherwise been invested in the community in the form of small business loans or consumer loans for college education, home improvements or car loans.

And the paper didn't even try to get the numbers right. The credit union's share of this elaborate fraud scheme was only $3.4 million, not the $27 million shared by the other banks who were likewise victimized.

RELATED: Michael Vorce lawsuit against credit union is frivolous, should be tossed, magistrate says

And yet, the criminal, according to your story, says that the credit union and its employees share the blame for his theft. Remarkable! Is that so different from a rapist saying that his victim was just asking for it? And would your paper print such diatribe from a perpetrator of a crime without regard for the victims?

This kind of sensationalized reporting is clearly only focused on trying to entertain readers as opposed to showing any sensitivity for the victims of serious crimes.

As expected, this frivolous and baseless lawsuit is on track to be tossed out of the legal system. On Thursday, Feb. 21, Magistrate Judge Scoville issued an 8-page report and recommendation in which he finds that ?First and most fundamentally, the plaintiff lacks standing to assert the claims set forth in the complaint,? and that the complaint suffers from ?numerous, fatal defects.?

The magistrate has recommended that the suit be dismissed. This comes as no surprise, yet again begs the question why your publication would rush to cover such nonsense.

While the volunteer board members and employees of this not-for-profit credit union may not be victims of a violent crime like murder or rape, they still feel the emotional pain not only from the loss of funds on their watch, at no fault of their own, but they feel the distress created by this frivolous lawsuit that you chose to publicize in your paper. You owe the credit union and its officials an apology.

RELATED: Grand Rapids guest column archive

But I am not worried about the reputation of Lake Michigan Credit Union. Its loyal members know what the credit union stands for. This credit union was lending to families and small businesses during the depth of the recent recession when other banks were financially crippled and unable to lend.

This credit union has stayed solid as a rock in the communities it serves while other big banks have left for greener economic pastures.

I am not worried about the reputation of the credit union. I worry about the future of the Grand Rapids Press and other newspapers that fail to take responsibility for such reckless journalism and that this lack of journalistic integrity might spread to victims of other crimes, whether violent or not.

The paper owes its readers an apology, along with a commitment to protect the innocent by not giving a forum to the vindictive voice of the guilty.

Dave Murray is the Grand Rapids community engagement specialist. Email him at and follow him on Twitter @ReporterDMurray or on Facebook.


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