Sunday, March 31, 2013

10 Anti-Aging Secrets - Health Guide to Beauty and Skincare ...

Secrets to anti agingIt is a dream for sore eyes if the aging process can be delayed. Is it possible to dawdle the aging process? The key to this lies in the foods we devour. There are various foods for consumption that can supplement the diet with nutrients that are loaded with anti aging properties.

Recognizing the foodstuffs that should be eaten is a way of combating the ageing process. Eating a diet splashed with sufficient anti-ageing nutrients can help in holding up the negative effects of the aging process.

Let us list a few secrets have a supple, wrinkle-free and glowing complexion even as you advance into the years.

Healthy eating

Our skin is a reflection of our diet. Whatever we eat shows up on our faces. Diet has a very important role to play in the anti-aging process. The food taken in by the mouth provides the body with all the various nutrients needed to stay fit and healthy.

The largest organ in our human body, the skin shows off whatever we have put inside the body. Each meal makes a difference so eat right every time. The body relies on nutrients all the time. To keep this up one needs to eat two portions of a fruity diet daily. Fruits are enriched with antioxidants, large amounts of water content and fiber. These three ingredients of the fruits are a blessing for the human body.

Seeds and nuts contain essential fatty acids and are recognized as grand anti-ageing foods. The human beings are incapable of producing EFA?s (essential fatty acids) in the body and have to depend on the nuts for them. EFA?s assist the human body in producing cell membranes that is essential for shielding the cell from harmful substances.

Damaged cell membranes lead to poor cell growth, reduced cell renewal and a speedy ageing as the cells can be attacked by harmful free radicals. EFA?s are also found in abundant quantities in oily fishes like the salmon, cod, and the mackerel. Avocados also are full of EFA?s.

A high protein diet of good quality like eggs, meat and fishes can help ward off ageing temporarily. Proteins are the building blocks and help the body to manufacture new cells and repair itself. Lack of protein leads to weathering of the body as the repair mechanism is not proper.

Lists of anti-aging foods

Anti-aging foods consist of Seeds of pumpkins, sesame etc, Raw walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds, Green tea, Avocado, Green vegetables, melons, and fish. Berries are a rich of antioxidants and remember Water is the elixir of life.

Last and not the least don?t forget to exercise. Exercise promotes longevity, slows down ageing, and helps you stay fit.

Effect of exercise on DNA and aging

Exercise positively affects the DNA as it retards the aging. People who exercised energetically for at least 3 hours every week had more elongated telomeres showing an age 9 years younger than people who led a stagnant and sedentary life style.

Telomeres are the guarding ends of the chromosomes that condense with age. As the length of the telomeres shorten it leads to various age related ailments. The stress on the body tissues increase as the telomeres need to perform properly.

The body is then affected by illnesses like cancer, blood pressure, mental problems and a lot more. Damage to the body due to free radicals is reduces greatly by exercising the body. This way the body can maintain health instead of focusing on the repairing process.

Free Radicals/Antioxidants

A lot of damage and distortion takes place on a cellular level due to the free radicals. The protein that maintains the body?s elasticity is called collagen. The free radicals cause the supple collagen to become firm and hard.

This shows in the form hard skin. Free radicals are found in a diet high in fats, refined carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and additives. These destructing radicals have to bring under control and this is possible only by antioxidants.

Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals. Vegetables and fruits are a treasure of antioxidants specially if consumed in the raw form. Berries and pomegranate have a lot of antioxidants.

Smoking and drinking, a large amount of alcohol, leads to the buildup of free radicals. Overexposure of the human body to direct sunlight leads to the production of free radicals.

Vitamin Supplements

The diet should be rich in Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which can work miracles in the fight against the aging process.

There are various nutritional supplements that fulfill all the antioxidant requirements in one glass. These are available in juice powder form that provides the body with nutrients that are necessary for the body to function to full capacity.

They take care of the overall cellular health providing the optimum dosage of essential dosages of beta carotene and pro-vitamin A. Vitamin C, Vitamin E and essential fatty acids are imperative for the development and mending of collagen so it is necessary to take its dose daily. A Vitamin C pill can restore the glow to the skin within days.

Water is the elixir of life

Drink plenty water to restock lost liquids in the body .This leads to hydration of Skin.? Drinking water eliminates toxins from the human body .The toxins have a negative consequence on general health and long life.


Hormone imbalance can bring about destruction to the skin. Hormone imbalance can cause severe skin conditions like acne, dry skin, dull, grey looking skin, eczema, pigmentation and oily skin. The hormone levels of estrogen, testosterone, HGH and CoQ10 need to be assessed by a doctor.

Detoxification of skin

Detox the skin after a few months in order to maintain the youth and elasticity of the skin. For this eat raw vegetables and fruits for two days. Drink lots of water. The stomach gets a rest and this detox diet reduces stress on the body getting rid of the toxins at the same time. The energy levels are maintained as normal.

Stress: anti agingStress should be reduced

Stress leads to aging are a well documented fact. It dwindles blood flow and food to the Skin leading to a sickly look, hair loss, and brittle nails. Stress leads to free radicals that can injure the human body on a cellular stage. Stress puts off our bodies and it can?t operate optimally. Stress robs the body of the essential nutrients.

Allergies, Food Sensitivities and Intolerances

Food allergies can mess with eating habits and Thwart one from attaining a nutritionally best diet. Wheat and gluten intolerance can give a feeling of bloatedness and lead to irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. Diary sensitivities can be the ground for eczema and asthma.

Scientific advances

Medical researchers are continuously finding new theories and treatments to reduce the speed of aging.

Laser resurfacing, Wrinkle Injections and creams lead to an upliftment in the skin.


Antioxidants are skin-care nutrients that can combat aging by getting rid of free radicals capable of gobbling up the collagen in the skin.


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